

Technophobia is a seven-year-old team, founded in the summer of 2018 during the Rover Ruckus season. Originally, there were four members of the team, all juniors in high school. For the following year, many new members were added, including five freshmen, to keep the team alive after the seniors graduate, and to share the knowledge of STEM and FIRST to them. This year we have 1 senior, 6 juniors, 3 sophomores, and 1 eighth grader. We also have two new members this year to keep the team alive for future generations.

In order to make sure everybody has fun, and is able to learn new things we always make sure that everyone will have a task to do for the meeting from building the robot, programming, and for the end of the season our portfolio.

Throughout the year, the team not only makes a robot to compete in FTC, but also performs numerous forms of outreach both within and outside of the STEM community. This is done in an effort to educate people about FIRST and STEM, and to get more people interested in the organization.

If you are interested in: joining the team, learning about FIRST, or just robotics in general, feel free to contact Technophobia.

Awards & Performance

Center Stage

Power Play

Freight Frenzy

Ultimate Goal


Rover Ruckus

The Members

Matthew Dalllinger-Eaker

Hello, I am Matthew Dallinger-Eaker.  This is my 2nd year in FIRST and in FTC and I am part of the programming team. I go to Robein Grade School and I am in 8th grade.   I am much more experienced with java this year than I was with my first year, and I can't wait to see what we can do for this season.

Aidan Copeland

Hello, my name is Aidan Copeland. This is my first year of FTC, and I'm on the JV programming team. I am excited to learn more about java. I did FLL for 3 years; 2 years on The Bricks Awaken, and 1 year at Glendale.

William Nottle

Hello, my name is William Nottle and this is my first year of FTC. I am one of the  JV Builders. I did four years of FLL and I am excited to use what I have learned from that alongside the new things that I will learn from FTC.

Ava Alt

I'm Ava Alt and am a junior in high school. I've been on Technophobia for 2 years as a builder. I currently go to East Peoria Community High School.

Bre Heeren

Hello, my name is Bre Heeren. I go to East Peoria Community High School. This is my second year in FTC. Something I am excited for this year is going to competitions. I was also on a FLL team called Bricks Awaken for three years.

Mia Atterberry

Hello, my name is Mia Atterberry. I go to East Peoria Community High School and I am a Junior. This is my third year of FTC and I'm on the build team and I'm part of the art crew. I'm excited to see what we can accomplish this year. In addition I was on a FLL team called the Bricks Awaken for five years.

Abby Keith

Hello, my name is Abby. I go to East Peoria Community High School and I am a Sophmore. This is my second year of FTC.

Lydia Jasinski

Hello, my name is Lydia. I go to East Peoria Community High School and I am a Junior. This is my first year of FTC. And i'm excited for new experiences and making new friends.

Quincy  de Groot

Hello, my name is Quincy de Groot. This will be my first year of FTC, and I am one of the JV Builders. I did 4 years of FLL on Korey Atterberrys team "The Bricks Awaken", having been a builder. I am excited to take what I know from FLL and use it here to benefit the team. 

Camden de Groot

My name is Camden. This is my second year of FTC.

The Robots

Hadrian (Robot 1)

This is our first robot that we designed for the 2019-2020 season. This was created as a prototype bot for the first few competitions. By using this robot, we were able to spend most of our time developing our final robot,  Hadrian  v2. The robots are named Hadrian after one our our sponsors, Fastbrick Robotics (FBR). They designed a bricklaying robot meant to construct buildings. We figured that the stones in Skystone are similar to bricks, and therefore our robot is also a bricklaying robot. 

The first robot is capable of a small autonomous (moving the foundation and parking), a strong tele-op (stacking skyscrapers an average of 5-6 stones high), and a reliable end-game (capping the skyscraper, moving the foundation, and parking in the corner). This robot has successfully qualified Technophobia to the state competition, where the second robot will be used.

*More information can be found on the "Robots" page of our website by clicking the tab at the top of the page or the button below.*

Hadrian v2 (Robot 2)

This robot is the second one that we have designed for the 2019-2020 season. Our first robot was used for ideas and as a test; this robot is taking the best parts of the old design, while implementing new mechanisms as well. This robot has not been competed with yet, as it is being set up for the Illinois State Tournament. It will be capable of moving Skystones in autonomous, stacking skyscrapers up to 13 stones tall in tele-op, and will be able to do everything in endgame. Most of this robot was designed with a CAD software: Autodesk Fusion 360, Tinkercad, and PTC Creo.

*More information can be found on the "Robots" page of our website by clicking the tab at the top of the page or the button below.*

Ring Robot (name pending...)

This is our 2020-2021 Ultimate Goal season robot. This robot can deliver a 71 pt. autonomous. During teleop, it can cycle through an average of about 5 or 6 sets of three rings into the top goal, scoring 90-108 points. In end game, it can shoot down all three power shots, as well as deliver both the wobble goals to the drop zone. The end game score can add up to 85 points, so our potentially highest score (if everything goes right and we get 6 cycles in) is 260 pts. However, the highest we have ever scored is 280 pts.

*More information can be found on the "Robots" page of our website by clicking the tab at the top of the page or the button below.*