Technophobia believes that outreach is a very important aspect of FIRST Robotics, and FIRST also believes this. Technophobia does its best as a team to go out into the community and speak to others about FIRST Robotics and the STEM field. Often times, this is through a presentation of the robot and FIRST, and then a quick Q&A session to follow. Depending on the type of audience, such as students and younger kids, the option to drive the robot will be available. We also have gone around to several classrooms at East Peoria High School, in order to show students how they can utilize knowledge they learn in their classes, and to apply it into robotics. This would include geometry, programming, and even English classes. Not only does Technophobia perform outreach to the surrounding community, but also aims to educate professionals in the STEM field about FIRST. Many STEM professionals have been invited to meetings, in which we can demonstrate the events and opportunities that FIRST allows not only their FTC teams, but Jr. FLL, FLL, and FRC. Technophobia has also gone to the workplaces of these professionals, to give an in depth presentation on FIRST and the team.
Community Outreach 2023-2024 Season
Central Junior High school
Bethel Lutheran
South Side Mission with Manual Rams
Freshman orientation Night at East Peoria Community High School
Community Outreach 2022-2023 Season
Teaching Girl Scouts for one of their badges at two different meetings
Teaching People at the Fondulac Library about FTC and FLL
Riverfront Museum Engineering Day
Recruiting at our High Schools Freshman night
Showing what we do in FTC on our school's news broadcast Inside the Tribe
Demonstrating for Junior High students
Volunteering at South Side Mission
Boys and Girls Club presentation
Key Club Easter Egg fundraiser
Helping with an Eagle Project to repair trials at a summer camp
Volunteering at the festival of lights parade
Talking with Mechanical Dropbears from Australia
Hosting a season kickoff
Community Outreach 2021-2022 Season
Mentored FLL Team 17022 The Bricks Awaken
Interviewed on school news program Inside the Tribe
Presented to the STEM class at EPCHS
Presented to all 6th-8th graders at Robein School
Taught robotics badges at 2 girl scout meetings
Recruitment at freshman orientation for EPCHS
Assisted other area FTC teams with technical issues
Worked together with other East Peoria FTC teams
Posted all match videos on social media to share with other teams
Took part in a demo with other teams at a local museum
Community Outreach 2020-2021 Season
Due to the pandemic this year, we have had a difficult time performing outreach this year. However we have created a video that we can share with others to introduce FTC, this year's rules, and our robot. We also plan to present in person to a STEM-related class at our high school.
Link to outreach video:
Community Outreach 2019-2020 Season
East Peoria Central Junior High
Technophobia was able to visit East Peoria Central High school to give three separate presentations about the FIRST and the robot's capabilities. Many students were interested in robotics afterwards, and were pointed in the direction of joining an FLL or FTC team.
Bethel School
In January, we went to Bethel School in Morton, Illinois. While we were there, we gave a presentation about FIRST and STEM, and pointed the kids (5th-8th grade) in the right direction in order to join a team. This was followed by a Q&A session and driving the robot.
At East Peoria Community High School, the Revive club held a club fair. Technophobia attended this club fair and was able to spread FIRST and STEM to the high school students.
FLL - Bricks Awaken
This year, one of our freshmen are from a FIRST FLL team, The Bricks Awaken. Because of this, we are mentoring their team and guiding them through their journey of STEM and FIRST. This team will also be used as a feeder team for Technophobia.
Technophobia went to Caterpillar in East Peoria, Illinois. While there, we gave a demonstration to the engineers and workers about FIRST and what our team is able to do because of FIRST. Many professionals were intrigued about the program.
East Peoria High School
At the high school, we are going around to many different classrooms to inform students about FIRST Robotics. This includes classes such as: programming, algebra, geometry, English, STEM, manufacturing, and physics. We believe that it is very important for students to recognize how classes can be applied into the real world. See more information below.
East Peoria High School Classes
Advanced Programming:
Technophobia presented to a java programming class talking about how java can be used for projects in real life. In the presentation we talked about how FIRST uses programming and how that would help students in the future get jobs in the STEM Field. After our presentation we showed the students in the class our autonomous program and talked over how we programmed it.
Technophobia presented to the enriched geometry class at East Peoria Community High School talking about how that class is applicable to things in the real world. We demonstrated a geometry problem that the team faced in 3d modeling a press fit piece for an axle. After demonstrating the problem we talked about FIRST and STEM and how it will help them in the future. The team got 3 students interested in joining FIRST in the Future.
In calculus, we gave a brief overview of a problem that we had, similarly to geometry. This was to use an equation for a deceleration program in the code. By using calculus, we were able to show how finding the derivative would help us show specific intervals of acceleration at a given point. Not only did it offer a new problem at hand, but it also gave the students a real-world application.
Technophobia was also able to show the physics class about robotics. After showing how the robot worked, a real-world application was also given to the students about calculating torque for the rotation of our claw. After the demonstration, some students showed interest in FIRST and the STEM field, and is looking into possibly joining a FIRST team.
We went to the STEM class at the high school and demonstrated how they could apply what they learned into a project they wanted to do. With our robot we showed parts of the robot that we 3d printed and carved using CAD since students in the class learn CAD. After the presentation we individually spoke to students about their aspirations to join the STEM field and how FIRST could help them with their career plan.